søndag 25. juli 2010


I don't actually remember taking this photo, but it must have been in Havana, St.Julians Malta. I was told that's where I spent Sunday night a week ago.

torsdag 22. juli 2010

Shared toilet in Malta 2

It looks like my messy neighbours are gone for the summer, nothing to report from our common bathrooms, as of yet.
But fear not, I have been checking out the bathrooms in Malta.
This one is from the outdoors disco "numero uno".

tirsdag 20. juli 2010

Shared toilet in Malta 1

Burger King, Paceville St. Julians Malta

This blog...

... is from now on written in english. I'm hoping my new friends in Malta will appreciate it;)

Please appologise, english is not my first language :p

onsdag 14. juli 2010

Shared toilets around the world

Det vil om ikke lenge dukke opp en reiseoppdatering. Jeg kan nevne Burger King og Malta, og lover snacks for ikke fullt så sensitive sjeler.
Må bare ha tid til å sette meg på en internettkafé, eventuelt komme meg hjem, først.
Hei så lenge

(I will soon publish a holiday-update. It contains Burger King in Malta, and I can promise a snack for not-so-sensitive souls.
I'll just have to find the time to sit down in an internet café, or get back home first.
Bye for now...)


torsdag 8. juli 2010